House of Studies Core Courses and House Programs
Catechetical and Vocational Programs
The House of Studies (HofS) offers non-degree, formation programs for individuals pursuing catechesis, ecclesiastical vocation (diaconate or presbyter: deacon or priest), or continuing in a vocation in ordained ministry. A major element of this program provides spiritual formation for students and another provides them with studies in the biblical text, theology (systematic theology, church history, etc.), and in various areas of practical theology. Upon completion of this program, graduates will receive a diploma and be capable of conducting their ministry at a level of professional competence, communicate in a manner that is intellectually articulate, and relate to others in a way that is spiritually mature and morally sensitive.
NOTE: The House of Studies offers ecclesiastical and professional/ministry degrees. Currently it offers a Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.), Baccalaureate of Theology (Th.B.), Master of Divinity (M.Div.), and a Doctor of Theology (Th.D.).
Upon completion of the House of Studies program, graduates will earn a diploma in a particular program of study and have:
Acquired a deeper knowledge of historical theology and the Bible to more effectively function in various roles in a church setting;
Developed skills in studying the Bible;
Formed a sound foundation for continuing scholarly biblical studies and theology; and
Prepared for vocational opportunities as a diaconate or presbyter or in various professional fields in ministry and theology.
Program Requirements:
Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
All requirements must be completed within six years of the date of acceptance into the program.
All assignments and exams for online courses/webinars must be submitted at the end of each semester as listed on the academic calendar, unless otherwise stipulated in the course syllabus. Assignments for residential courses/seminars must be submitted 90 days after the completion of on-site instruction, unless otherwise stipulated in the course syllabus.
Standard admission application process. Potential students will soon be able to apply online.
Overall Required Credits - Estimated Cost of Programs
Individual Houses of Study programs have difference credit requirements. The following estimated costs of tuition and registration fees per program are based on those credit requirements and a prospective student following an academic track ($108). The costs are provided for general budgeting purposes only and do not include books, other resources, and other applicable fees (certification, professional, etc.).
Ecumenical Catholic (90 credits): approx. $3,300
Liturgical (75 credits): approx. $2,700
Eastern Church (66 credits): approx. $2,400
Practical (63 credits): approx. $2,300
Individual Houses of Study Modules (each course is three credits: CEU or academic track) with Courses
The core module of courses is 27 credits (each courses is 3 credits: CEU or academic track with a difference in assignments and cost):
HIS100 Old Testament Survey in Its Contexts (3 credits)
HIS101 New Testament Survey in Its Contexts (3 credits)
Introduction to Church History (3 credits)
Biblical Hermeneutics (3 credits)
Introduction to Biblical Languages and Use of Key Resources (3 credits)
Mapping the Theological Terrain: Finding Yourself within the Christian Context (3 credits)
Personal Spiritual Direction and Formation (3 credits)
Missions and Apologetics (3 credits)
Contemporary Ministry Issues (3 credits)

Ecumenical Catholic
House of Studies
63 Credits**
Basic Courses
Introduction to Catholicism
History of Catholic Church*
The Legacy of Utrecht
First Seven Ecumenical Councils
Introduction to Patristics
Systematic Theology
Christian Ethics/Moral Theology
Sacramental Theology
The Mystery of Faith: The Eucharist
Ecclesiastical Theology
Catholicism and Human Sexuality
Catholic Apologetics*
Biblical Studies
Greek or Hebrew
Elective textual course
Elective textual course
Homiletics 1
Homiletics 2
Business of Church
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Spiritual Direction*
Introduction to Catholic Spirituality
CCIA Distinctives/Heritage
Contemporary Issues in Christianity*
Final Thesis***
House of Studies
48 Credits**
Basic Courses
Western/Eastern Church
First Seven Ecumenical Councils
Introduction to Patristics
Systematic Theology
Gospel and Social Ethics
Sacramental Theology
The Mystery of Faith: The Eucharist
Ecclesiastical Theology
Biblical Studies
Greek and Hebrew
Epistles of Paul
Elective textual course
Homiletics 1
Liturgical Practice
Biblical Counseling
Church Prayer
Final Project***
Eastern Church
House of Studies
39 Credits**
Basic Courses
Basic Non-Chalcedon Church
The Nestorians
Eastern Canon
Eastern Church Studies
Introduction to Eastern Church Patristics
Enthronement Theology
Biblical Studies
Basic Syriac
Peshitta of Old and New Covenants
Eastern View of Apocalypse
Eastern Church Liturgy
Syriac Prayers: The Lord’s Prayer
Eastern Church Spirituality
Final Project***
Practical Ministry
House of Studies
36 Credits**
Basic Courses
(in core module)
Theology and Ethics of God
Gospel and Social Ethics
Enthronement Theology
Biblical Studies
Epistles of Paul
Johannine Literature
Apocalyptic Literature
Making of a Leader
Biblical Counseling
Psychology and Good Religion
Final Project***
*These courses are fulfilled in the core module with additional readings required for students from an Old Catholic tradition. An additional one credit in Old Catholic readings (with a reflective assignment) may be awarded in addition to the regular three credit course.
**Prerequisites for special status can be obtained if a student has completed 107 credits of undergraduate study (include B.A., B.S., Th.B., or equivalent degree), possesses 15 years of pastoral/ministerial experience, and is at least 35 years of age. Advanced placement of up to 24 semester hours can be obtained if a student has completed a graduate level major in religious or theological studies and received a grade of 2.7 (B-) in the courses under consideration with the remaining semester credits taken at the House of Studies for complete fulfillment of certification/licentiate requirements.
***The final thesis or project will be supervised by an academic affairs committee in cooperation and consultation with ecclesiastical authorities.
Academic Pathways and Agreements
At present, the House of Studies has ecclesiastical and academic agreements with the following:
St. Anthony’s is an educational outreach of and operates under the supervision and the ecclesiastical authority of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ (ECCC) and The Most Rev. Dr. Karl Rodig, D.Min., His Eminence and Ecumenical Primate Archbishop of the ECCC. The ECCC requires a minimum of a Bachelors of Theology (B.Th.) for Holy Orders.