Overview: House of Studies, Degree(s), Continuing Education
The following information below have been made available in the public service. For more information, contact the institution administrator.
Three Educational Tracks:
House of Studies non-degree formation (vocational-catechetical) programs (see immediate right) forms students catechetically or for vocational opportunities as a deacon or priest or for various professional fields.
Professional-Seminary Level Degrees (see at right) offer courses, professional development, and pastoral/theological education for those continuing in diverse ministries.
Continuing education (CE) courses (see schedule for listing) are offered for personal professional development and spiritual enrichment.
Types of Credit:
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs): Each CEU earned represents approximately 10 hours of time spent interacting with course materials through St. Anthony's Canvas portal or with the instructor in a residential setting. Only a short assignment is submitted to gauge the participant's comprehension of the course content.
Academic Credits: Each academic credit earned represents approximately 15 hours of instruction per credit and successful completion of additional assignments (papers, exams, quizzes, projects, etc.) through St. Anthony's Canvas portal or with the instructor in a residential setting.
NOTE: Students pursuing one of the non-degree House of Studies programs or a degree program (B.Th., M.Div., Th.D.) must complete the admissions process first before enrolling in courses.
Clergy: CE and academic courses might qualify for (re)certification requirements. Before enrolling, contact your licensing body to determine if it will accept St. Anthony's credits.​
Seniors (age 62+): Ask about our special discounted rates and tuition-free audits.​ Other programs will be announced as they become available.
Houses of Study Non-Degree: link
Ecumenical Catholic: Plans are currently in progress to offer a series of formation courses for ordination in the Catholic Church in America. Courses focus on ecumenical Catholic principles and moral theology.
Liturgical: The Liturgical House of Study offers students a variety of course options that focus on liturgical formation and tradition, regardless of denominational affiliation.
Eastern Church: A concentration focused on Syriac studies― including Basic Syriac/Aramaic, The Lord’s Prayer, Syriac Patristics, and a final project―will offer an introduction to Eastern Church Studies.
Practical Ministry: Students who are interested in building skills for practical ministry (service) across denominational lines may wish to enroll in this multi-year program that will guide them through a series of subjects that proactively address the what, why, and how of service. The courses provide a framework for understanding where students fit within the larger Christian context and prepare them for their personal roles within God’s mission to the world (salvation) and within the church.
Current Professional-Seminary Level Degrees
St. Anthony's has launched its Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.), Master of Divinity (M.Div.), and Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) research degree.
Current Academic Pathways and Agreements
The House of Studies (HofS) is working on academic agreements for students to move their credits into degree pathways with various institutions (e.g., Master of Ministry, etc.) and to be accepted by various ecclesiastical authorities and jurisdictions. Please visit our House of Studies Program page to read more about our current academic agreements.
The Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ (ECCC) requires a minimum of a Bachelors of Theology (B.Th.) for Holy Orders.

Course Benefits
Indepth instruction (college level and based on biblical scholarship).
Qualified instructors (see biographies): All instructors hold a masters degree or rough equivalent; 75% have earned doctorates.
Flexible: (1) Self-paced online format is available for most
courses--up to a full year; and (2) face-to-face (residential) instruction available in your area with five or more students.
Affordable (low tuition cost and nominal fees)!
Steps to Enroll and Complete Courses
Review the course(s) listed in the schedule and select the courses in which you wish to enroll. NOTE: Students pursuing a degree or program must complete the admissions process first before enrolling in courses.
Register by returning the downloadable mail-in form or enrolling online with your payment (either by mail or pay online).
Receive via e-mail or mail an enrollment confirmation with location/time for residential courses or access information for online courses once registration and payment are processed. Course materials, except textbooks, will be provided at first session or online.
Attend 90% of face-to-face sessions or listen to/view all the online lessons for up to a full year on Canvas. There is no homework per se.
Complete the short assignment (quiz, paper, or project) and return it to your instructor, then complete an online survey.
Receive a paper transcript with the course title, CEUs, and date of completion and statement of completion with your name and course title (mailed to the address provided).